Sunday, September 2, 2012

{Quality Time Quest}

On my quest to DO more things with my boys I have come up with a list, some things were taken from blogs (links included) or from pinterest ideas, or straight from my own head…  

4.       Gather leaves and make a leaf collage with wax paper.
5.       Body paint in the back yard
6.       Make paper bag puppets
7.        Make it through the whole KC zoo in one trip! 
8.       Make a homemade car book
9. make them capes and have a superhero day
10.   Have daddy make them tents.
11.   Have a drive in movie night with Keren & their little cars
12.   Pick out a Christmas tree together and set it up
13.   Do our 24 days of advent family project
14.   Make someone (or ourselves) crayon t-shirts
16.   Dress up with Keren for Halloween (which means mommy needs to get on it with crocheting our bear hats!)
17.   Go run wild at the lake on 87th
18.   Go through the entire list of she has a great blog! I’m not sure how many we will get through but they all look fun! (120+ things for toddlers to do!)
19.   Watch Cars 2 ( we still haven’t seen it and hey that is one movie I will very happily sit through and snuggle the whole time!) Make it a family movie with popcorn and suger milk (chocolate milk)
20.    Take Gammie to the zoo! (Ha! Mom now you have to go! )
Ok I’m going to stop with 20 things, that’s enough to cover the rest of the year!  

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