Saturday, September 29, 2012


I. Am. So. Tired.

I am hoping someone takes mercy on me today and brings me a giant coffee. Be prepapred though I will be in sweatpants and look like I got hit by a truck.

Faelan has been getting up several times a night to nurse. Mahon got up with a sore toe at 3 am. Once he was back to sleep baby and I moved to the couch and then Wyatt joined us about 5:45. We all were asleep for about an hour then baby woke up again and now we are sitting here watching cars. Mahon and Daddy are sleeping peacefully.... Lucky them.

For the past three days the big boys have not napped. No matter how hard we try they just won't. I know this day will go how I set my mind for it to go, if i stay cranky I will be cranky and then everyone else will be cranky too. I need to set my mind to being happy and patient today.....

But first...Coffee.

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