Monday, September 24, 2012

{a smooth day}

Everyone in awhile you get a day where things for the most part go smoothly. Maybe it was because I started today without much of a plan, maybe it was because I was feeling (for the most part) very go with the flow of today. Either way, we had a great day and here are some pictures!

 Ok these are a little out of order but oh well... 

Here is my brilliant idea of the night...
cover your ipad with a page protector while cooking. 
You can even use it still through the plastic! 

We made potato cakes from leftover mashed potatoes for dinner
They were delicious and the boys (and mommy) devoured them! 

This morning we decided to take a walk, it was so beautiful outside! 
Here they are saying cheese. 

Here they are when I said "one more picture guys!"
They were ready to go!  

They had such a great time looking at the cars, and trees
and our shadow!  

I was trying to take a picture of this house without looking like a creeper, it looked like a building at the zoo it was really interesting. I'm not sure why they built a house like that in this area. 

Lesson learned: I need to bring me some water so I won't drink all of the boy's juice! 
Pushing three little people uphill is hard! 

Yeah. We needed something to do! 

Glitter on perfect toddler feet. 

I even let them use the glue. 

We had such a great day. 
My feet sure are tired from that walk though! It just shows that I really need to be more active! 

We have made a complete mess of the kitchen, living room, bathroom and dining room. Once these guys are in bed I will be cleaning! Kourtney comes tomorrow and I we have things to get done that do not include cleaning up today's messes! 

Get ready Kourtney! It's going to be a busy tuesday! Wear comfortable clothes! 

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