Wednesday, September 5, 2012

{It's Wednesday ... again!}

I declare that today will be a GOOD day! 
We will have fun.
We will relax. 
We will not worry about the house or laundry... 
it's wednesday afterall.
We will love on each other.
We will play all day. 
We will not give into small trials.
We will stay calm.
We will read books.
We will play with playdough.
(and not care if it falls on the floor and gets stuck in the carpet again)
We will enjoy each other's company. 
We say no to anger and yes to love. 
We will have a good day!! 

It's Wednesday again, how does this day keep coming back! I am declaring that we will have a fantastic day! I already feel like I accomplished something by going to the farmers market before the kids got up to get some more beeswax. (since I lost the last bar) I will make the lotion bars for sweet little Faelan's head tonight. :) The big boys are up! Time to play! 

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