Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Wednesdays are by far the worst day of the week... no matter how fantastic they start out they always end up being crazy.
So instead of nit-picking about the day here are some things that I am very thankful for.

1. A sleeping baby... finally 
 For quite a few days little F hasn't been sleeping very well... Thanks to my dear friend Victoria last night we figured out what it was... I guess be drinking so much coffee keeps him up and I just didn't put two and two together. But I stayed away from it all day and he is now sleeping like a cat. (I would say baby but we all know babies don't really sleep that well!) 

2. Toddlers
They are the funniest, silliest, cutest, most handsome toddlers that I have ever seen and I love them to pieces! Their hearts matter way more then the mess, the noise, or the dishes that are still sitting there from yesterday. 

3. Growth
I'm so thankful that I get to grow as a parent. I won't be stuck in situations that I think I can't handle, I learn from them and move on. I'm also very thankful for the three growing little miracles, they grow so fast and watching them learn is so rewarding. 

4. Girlfriends & Family
My girlfriends are always there for me, lifting me up and helping me see things through a new light. I am so blessed to know these amazing girls. Anna, Grace, Sierra, Rachel, Kelli, Victoria. Seeing (some of) them (almost) every week is pretty amazing. I love you guys! 

I'm also very lucky to have my family so close by to help me out when I need it and to love on my little guys. We are a really blessed bunch! 

5. My Husband
last but certainly not least
There aren't even enough words to express how thankful I am for Joshua. He is truly a wonderful man. He works hard every night and is away from his family and all the comforts of home for 40+ hours a week just to provide for us. We are a team and we work hard together for these boys and for each other. Thank you Lord for putting us together. 
.... and he's really handsome. :) 

OH! And we got a new lap top today!! So no more ghetto keyboard sitting on top that doesn't work! I can type with all the keys!! :) 
So as soon as I can get pictures uploaded I have a lot to share! 

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