Saturday, August 18, 2012


I wouldn't say it is a new passion but maybe a rekindled passion for making as much as I can product wise at home. (and very slowly working my way into the food area as well) 

So far this last week I have made my own:

Shampoo and Conditioner
No-poo and rinse 
(scroll down to the baking soda and apple cider vinegar recipe) 
Also in the above link, started the oil cleansing face routine


Carpet Freshener

Started using pure lanolin as lip moisturizer (yep the same stuff you use when you are breastfeeding!) it stays on for such a long time! I can't wait to see how it works this winter! I always have terrible trouble with my lips in the winter. 

All of the above mentioned are working wonderfully! I can't believe how well the deodorant works! 

And here are some of the things I FAILED at .... 

Growing my own sprouts... I have no idea what happened but in less than an hour my sprouting screen rusted and I had my nut milk bag sitting on top of it because the seeds were quite small and it molded and I couldn't get it clean so I had to throw it out. I'm not sure if I want to keep trying this method... it made me very sad! Sprouts are one of my favorite foods! If only GRACE was around to help me out here! 

Making homemade tortillas... I know what I did wrong here... I measured the flour way wrong... my one cup turned out to be a 3/4 cup and it just went downhill from there. I do not have a dough hook attachment for my hand blender, nor do I have a mixer. I do not have a rolling pin either... so I just cleaned off the one the boys use for playdoh... Fail. 

I am going to try again with the tortillas and hopefully (with my mothers supervision) try baking my own bread tomorrow. I have borrowed a bread machine for the task. 

We also created a family purpose statement this week. I don't have any pictures of it yet, it is still a work in progress.

We choose to:
Live Simply
Be Intentional 
Work Hard 
Show Love
Be Grateful
Scatter Sunshine
Follow the King

There are a million other things I have rolling around in my head that I think apply to our family so this will change as we grow together I'm sure.