Thursday, March 7, 2013

{who needs sleep anyway?}


That is what I should probably be doing right now.

I set my alarm last night for 5am so I could get up and practice yoga before everyone gets up and we go to the new doctors office in a not so good neighborhood. I defiantly needed that practice this morning. I did get up after 5 am... right after I crawled back into bed after being up with a teething, cranky, feverish baby who just had shots a few days ago... right as I was getting back in bed my alarm went off. Since Faelan was fast asleep finally I decided I might as well get up and do what I need to do. I feel much better!

For the last 5 nights in a row the boys have been getting up between 1 and 4. Most of the time one at a time, so I will have one awake for about 45mins then get him to sleep just in time for the other one or the baby to get up.

While I was up nursing, rocking, cuddling and kissing on the sweetest baby ever I decided to do some reading online...
If you have read my past few posts you already know that we are striving for a whole (REAL) foods lifestyle. So far we are LOVING it! We had one dinner that didn't go as planned but that is okay! Anyway, I was reading on she is amazing. So many great articles about real food and things we all need to stop eating! Like GMOS. If you want to learn more about GMOs check out this link { } Take note of what happened to the animals these things were tested on... it is horrific.

Well now after all of that info, finding a great new nut milk recipe that I can't wait to try, doing yoga and about to down a glass of water... I'm going back to bed until all the people that I love wake up. :) Good night.

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