Tuesday, February 26, 2013


And that is all I have to say about that. 

just kidding. 

I really like pears. 

I never thought I would sit down at the end of the day and think , man I need a pear right now.
But that happens more and more these days. 

{Winter Wonderland}

Our backyard snow is up to Joshua's thigh... That is some deep snow.

Joshua shoveled off the yard so the boys could get out there and play this morning. Wyatt is still out there with him but I couldn't wait to upload the pictures so here they are....

 This is from yesterday, I was trying to keep them busy. 

 Silly little Faelan 

 The puppies. 

 Well the plow got one lane again... that was nice of them 

 I have been sporting various "snow day" outfits this week. 
Here is todays. 

And there ya have it. Our snow men. 

Wyatt and Mahon call all the snow, snowmen. Mahon fell in it today and said I fell in the snowmen. It is the cutest thing in the world. 

On a side note I have joined the 40 Bags in 40 days challenge at www.whitehouseblackshutters.com. I'm going to say that I started yesterday since I cleaned out W&M's room. I really wish I had before and after pictures! 

Monday, February 25, 2013

{Enough about me, How about some cuties?}

 Wyatt's "cheese" face
 Mahon's "cheese" face

 Sorry mom, I'm eating.
 Messy Wyatt
 Mahon eating. 
 MOM! I'm eating!!! 

 Seriously? Does this woman ever stop? 
 Hi mom! 
 Rub a dub dub. 
 Three men in a tub

{Real Food}

There is a fantastic website { www.100daysofrealfood.com } ... When I first found her site I was in awe. What a cool site! But after awhile her post about which foods (the ones currently sitting in my kitchen that we eat every day) aren't real and are full of chemicals were starting to hurt my feelings. Mostly because I know the cost of the real foods and it just wasn't in my very small grocery budget.

Have you heard the quote... Pay the farmer now or the doctor later? ... I'm trying to really put that into practice and now that tax time has come and gone and we have made some financial changes (canceling our cable, I changed to a "normal" phone instead of a smart phone, ect) just little things to allow our grocery budget to grow a little so we can eat "real" food.

We are going to do the 10 day real food pledge (click here for the rules) when our farmers market opens. I am going to slowly change over the things we eat to the real thing before then so it won't be a huge grocery trip (expensive) or a shock. ;) The first thing we changed was butter. We bought REAL butter. It is amazing. It changes the way everything tastes and we love it. I blame this on my girlfriend Heather... she was talking about it one day and I couldn't get it out of my head. I wish I took a picture of the ingredient comparison  There are just two ingredients in butter... cream and salt. I like the salt. :) However it was 2.99 for real butter, 1lb. 3.39 for margarine for almost 3lbs of chemicals. I'm happily paying the extra. :)

I stumbled onto the site www.plantoeat.com through her blog tonight and I think that is going to be an essential tool in doing our 10 day pledge.

We put an order in at kc.doortodoororganics.com. They deliver a box of organic produce to your house! You can also add all kinds of different groceries, I have some eggs coming too. But there is a lot of local items and meats! It is defiantly something that is going to help out with the grocery dilemma!

I think Mondays will be our Trader Joe day, Wednesday farmers market, Every other Thursday is the door to door delivery (which I might cancel in the summer while I have the market right down the street.), Friday is my KO day so I can catch up on any extra grocery shopping that I need to and I plan to take my Grandma to the River Market this summer. So get ready Grandma! :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

{ Insert quirky title here }

whew... I am exhausted...

We have been sick for almost a week now. First the baby, then M, then W, with mommy and daddy quickly following. By Tuesday we were all sick. (Except for M, He had the same symptoms but he seemed to be feeling fine and into his usual mischief.)

 I will not go into all the details... you do not need to know how gross it was... I will say on Tuesday I did not know how we were going to survive the day, and I thought by the end of the day they would have to condemn the house and we would need to start over from scratch and that felt a lot better than cleaning everything.

The worst is over, but my house and bathroom have seen better days.

Here are somethings that I have been very grateful for this week:

1) Family. Joshua. My grandparents. Everyone that was at my grandmas house on sunday who watched the boys so I could nap. My sister for coming over tomorrow... my poor mama who got it from us. :(

2) Disposable wipes, and diapers. I had to throw one cloth diaper away.... talk about sick to your stomach! it was like $20!

3) Tax season. I am so thankful for this season and being able to get some debt paid off.

4) Mama bloggers. I found some very encouraging blogs from moms that have or had three kids under the age of three. The best advice is from people who have been through almost the same thing... not from strangers at the grocery store.

5) Grace. So thankful for the grace for this week that is defiantly not going as I thought it would, grace for each other while we don't feel good, And for my good friend Grace for calling me in the middle of it at just the perfect time to chat and to give me a GREAT cleaning recipe! :)

I think all of my guys are asleep so I'm going to try to catch up on some too.
Good Night! :)