Tuesday, November 13, 2012

{So Very Blessed and Thankful}

Wow. Just Wow.

The owl hat I took into The Olive Branch sold the very first day they had it. I am so thankful for this time of the year and all the blessings that The Father has poured out on us.
I now have quite the tall order from the store, and a private order from a customer... I am just feeling so thankful for this opportunity to do what I love. I have an amazing husband who supports me no matter what I'm into (knitting, crocheting, homemaking, now yoga, gardening in the spring) He is right beside me 100%. I am so very blessed. I am able to stay home with our boys, and love on them all day and if the house is a mess and he comes home to happy kids and yarn everywhere, he doesn't complain. He pitches in and does what he can to help the evening go smoothly. I am so very thankful for his day shift. The boys wait at the window for daddy to get home and get so upset if they hear a truck and it's not daddy.

 We all love him so much.

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