Friday, November 9, 2012

{animals, animals, animals,.... yes we are going to see the animals}

::Warning:: Lots of pictures! :) 

Our day at the Kansas City Zoo

Our amazing G-MAW (as the boys like to call her) got us a zoo pass for their birthday and it's one of the best gifts they have ever gotten! It keeps on giving! :) 

My handsome men walking into the zoo. 

The polar bear

They would stand there all day if we would let them. 

(blurry sorry) 
Faelan sleeping the morning away. 

We got to see something REALLY cool at the zoo! 

This tiger wants the ball. 

...And this tiger was not going to let him play with it...

Once the other tiger got closer this tiger jumped at him and roared so LOUD! 
such a cool thing to see in person! 

Some hornbils that Mahon was really into.

Happy even riding in his carseat

On the train! 

Love my guys! 

mama and faelan

Neat looking bird. 

Waiting for the tram...we are tired. 

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