Monday, November 12, 2012

{Sleep, where art thou?}

It is 4:00 in the morning. The big boys have already been awake for an hour. I guess that's what happens when they fall asleep before 5pm and stay asleep. I was in bed and asleep by 10:15, probably even before then. whew. This is not what I had in mind when we hit, daylight savings and  Joshua's shift change... but here we are. I tried several methods of getting them to nap yesterday, at one point they were laughing so hard at me they were falling off their beds... they sometimes don't take me seriously.

I took my very first yoga class on Saturday, it was so awesome! It is exactly what I have been needing in my life. In my normal fashion of diving head first into new things... I bought a new mat and started checking out studios online, it is quite expensive (taking any and all donations you have to offer) ;) I did find a website online that has free videos so I can at least do that until I can fit yoga classes in our budget. I am quite sore however, after not doing much physical activity the last three years while being pregnant I am even more out of shape then I even thought. It's a good sore though.

Ok I'm outta here, I have two little people needing my full attention.


  1. I hear ya on being out of shape! Have you looked into joining the YMCA? They offer income-based membership fees. I think they usually turn out to be less than going to a yoga studio and you have full access to everything they offer. They have all sorts of fitness classes including yoga and pilates, zumba, etc that are included in your membership.. Once you're a member I think you can go to any of the KC Metro area Y's. You also get free childcare and access to the swimming pool, etc.

  2. Yoga at the y and yoga at a studio are completely different. I joined the y once but I hate working out like that. And I don't swim or anything so there isn't much benefit to me. I'd rather pay more money to go to a studio. My sister in law is in yoga teacher training so I've done it twice with her now. It's really nice to know who is teaching you so they can help you when you are doing it wrong. :)

  3. Also yoga is about a lot more than working out, meditation, learning awareness, ect. It's made me a much more peaceful mommy and I've only been doing it a week. Lol
