Thursday, March 29, 2012

{Things to do Thursday}

Thursdays I have my "helper" (as the people at wal-mart refer to her when she's not with me) Kourtney comes over and we get my grocery shopping done for the week, she plays with the boys while I get stuff done around the house and many many other things to help me out. :)

Our Things to Do today are:

  • Go to the library and pick up / drop off books
  • Grocery shopping... boo.
  • Wonderscope for a few hours, we got a membership so we are going to test it out today and see how the boys do. 

Oh yesterday we had our first ice cream sandwich, if any of you were at the boys birthday party and you remember how unimpressed the boys were with eating cake (they acted like they do it all the time...)  that's how they were with the ice cream. 

Here are some pictures from our Wonderscope visit. 

Mahon was VERY into putting the fruits and veggies in the cart.
This was before he tripped and hit his head into the cart and now has a nice big bump on his forehead. 

Look at that girl in the background... she was a little old to be playing at Wonderscope....
especially in the farm to market room.  

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