Sunday, April 29, 2012

1 Week Already!!??

Here are some pictures of the last week around our house. 
There aren't many, but whew what a fast week!
Faelan's coming home outfit 

Great - Grandma holding him at the hospital.
She was so amazing helping out with the boys, she was even brave enough to stay with them overnight...
they may be a tad spoiled now. ;) 

First day home. 

One week old aready!! :(
Yes mommy cried when I realized he was a week old and we would never have that just home from the hospital feeling with him again. 

Daddy is enjoying all the snuggles. 

Ahhh! I love his chubby little face! He doesn't have much meat on him anywhere else. 

Faelan's Birthday

Daddy, Mommy and Faelan!
Mommy was very swollen! :( 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

{We Love Our Hats}

 Here is Wyatt sporting a very cute "Bucket" hat... 

And here is Mahon wearing one of Daddy's McLane hats. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Tonight we tried out our Crayola bath time finger paint soap. I was a little unsure how they would do but they LOVED it and it's just soap ( & non toxic ) , it just washes right off and they can put it all over their bodies and the tub with out worrying about staining. I was very impressed! 

Wyatt was really really into it! 

Mahon wasn't as sure but he really liked watching Wyatt do it. 

Mahon was critiquing Wyatt's work. 

Wyatt even tasted some & apparently it isn't very good because he didn't eat anymore. 

We didn't attempt to wash hair tonight... they HATE getting their hair wet. Mahon started to poop so I had to pull him out of the tub fast so he wasn't too happy with me. But overall it was a very successful bath time.

{Things To Do Thursday}

I am so blessed to have such a great family that is always helping us out! 

Today on our agenda was a whole lot of nothing. Great Grandma is hanging out with us today also and she took us out to lunch! 

Wyatt & MA! (as the boys call her) 

Wyatt eyeing dada's ice cream 

We came home to some Easter cards in the mail from GREAT GREAT Grandma Haley, with some money so the boys got to put it in their "piggie" banks. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

{Some Days Should Be Spent In Bed}

This day has been a bit overwhelming!
 W&M are really into biting each other right now, I've tried several things to get them to stop but nothing is working right now.

I have a very long story about FedEx but I don't feel like getting into that right now.

Joshua didn't get the shift at work we were hoping for, and in fact he's just stuck with the same one that he has had for the last 6 months. I am none too happy about that but very very thankful that he at least has a job.

I made cookies for the guys at Joshua's work but when I opened them today (luckily I did before he took them!) TONS of ants came running out... all that and so much more led to velveeta cheese, rice and thanks to our awesome neighbor bread pudding (which I've never had before but it was amazing) for dinner tonight.
37 weeks 

ANYWAY!! We have everything we could possibly need for this baby! His bed is all set up and ready to sleep in! I have plenty of diapers (thanks to all the ladies that attended my shower!!), we have tons and tons of clothes. I have my hospital bag all packed and ready, I got my medical records from the dr office today. All we are waiting on is for this little guy to decide to come! We are 37 and a half weeks now! I can't believe that we have made it this far!!  He can be born at anytime without having to worry about NICU time or breathing issues! So if anyone wants to go walking call me!
KC ZOO here we come! haha!

I finished his blanket last night. I made a hat for him today and I'm working on an airplane. More pictures to come! But here is the blanket. It took quite awhile just because I didn't work on it that often but I really buckled down this week and got it done, This is a picture of the corner, it is much bigger. :)

Well I'm off here to go see what the boy's are doing to each other in their room, then to yell at the dogs for barking so much.