Wednesday, October 31, 2012

{Happy Candy Day!} ...(as we like to call it)

Here are some pictures!
The cutest farmer.... EVER!!! 
Also he thinks he can crawl already!! 

Someone didn't want his picture taken. 

Not too happy about having costumes on... 

.... Why mom? .... why?

... Help... 

We went and visited all the grandparents today.
In the car.
Out of the car.
In the car. 
Out of the car.
I will be happy when they learn to buckle themselves. 

My costume.
Actually I just didn't want my picture taken. 

Faelan and Gammy with his new toy. 

We played in the leaves outside at G-MAWs house. 
So Fun. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

{ october pictures }

Here we are about to try something I saw on pinterest. 
Baking soda on a pan.
Vinegar with food coloring. 

I first had W spooning it onto the baking soda.
He loved the reaction. 

It is really fun to see it bubble up like that. 

Finally got M to join us. 

He said. "wowowowow"

And of course it got dumped which they loved! 

I am not going to lie... this was very fun and they asked to do it again... however as I was getting it ready W dumped out the yellow vinegar in the kitchen, then the blue at the table and M followed right after by dumping the red onto the table running onto the carpet... 
Sometimes our adventures don't end well. ;) 

F's first feeding pictures.
(this isn't his first feeding but I forgot to take pictures the first time) 

I gave him the spoon to do it himself. 
Eating is a serious matter.

This is my ball. 

Do not even think about taking my ball. 

My mommy cuts of my head in the best pictures... 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012



{Recipe Here

He loved it! He sat there forever picking it apart. 

It stretches to infinity! 
(please excuse the laundry)

He loved it too! He didn't sit as long as Mahon did, 
but mommy was taking some of his to play with too. 

It was so much fun and I can't wait to make it agian! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

{A few recent pics....}

Anna and I took them to McDonalds playplace. (gasp! germs! I know) ... i got over it...
they had a blast! 

Here they are playing with a remote, using the crayons as batteries. 

They kept saying, "Fix it, check it, fix it, check it"
Si. Stinkin. Cute. 

{Cider Mill}

One of our most favorite things of fall if going to the cider mill in Louisburg! It is so fun and it smells and tastes so so good... although every time we go there they fall on their faces!