Monday, July 30, 2012

{Almond Milk & Bubbles}

If I can do something myself to save a $ or two I am defiantly going to attempt to do so!
I LOVE almond milk! I have never really been a fan of cow's milk so I decided to try it out and now I'm hooked. I make almond milk ice cream, use it in my coffee and chai lattes. (totally addicting I don't recommend it. ) ;)

I purchased a nut milk bag on etsy , I also got some seeds to sprout from them and a sprout screen. (If I am going to DIY something I like to have the right materials when I first try it out.)

It was so stinkin' easy!
Next time I am going to try adding dates (I forgot to look for them when I was at the river market yesterday, not even sure where to look for them but I'll find them somewhere)

I already had salted almonds on hand so I just used those but when I have to buy some next I will calculate the cost compared to buying it at the store. ($2.99 at Trader Joes for a half gallon. $3.39 at Target and Walmart)
3 Cups of Water
I used my blender to measure it, but I think it's a little on the generous side of 3 cups. 

Here is my nut milk bag & jar all ready to be strained

I soaked my almonds overnight. 
Some recipes say to use the water you soak them in and some say to throw it out. 
I didn't use it this time but I might next time and see if it makes any difference. 

Almonds & the water in the blender w/ 1 tbsp of vanilla extract

Almond Milk! 

Here is the beautiful pulp that I was left with. 

Here I am looking up all the ways to use it, 
I failed this time and had to throw it out sadly. 

This is as messy as it got!! I like that! :) 

Wyatt and Mahon blew bubbles on their own for the first time!

First off if you are going to give toddlers bubbles... start with coffee. :) 

Wyatt couldn't quite figure out how to do it without pressing it right up to his lips. 

Good thing we did this outside! ;) 

Mahon "yum" 
Mommy "eww" 

"More wa-der" (water, that's what they thought it was) 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

{Faelan 14 weeks}

How blessed are we to have this sweet little man as a part of our family! He is growing so fast! Trying to sit up all on his own! 

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Joshua's work picnic was yesterday, they took us to a TBones game and fed us Arther Bryants BBQ which was delicious!

 I wish I would have gotten out my camera while we were eating Mahon dove into the potato salad and cole slaw, Wyatt wouldn't eat any food but drank a lot of Coke (his first real coke experience!) It was pretty cute how messy they were getting but my hands were acutally really full (just like every stranger I meet likes to tell me) trying to get two 2yr olds to eat and drink and holding Faelan and trying to feed myself at the same time it was quite a feat but we all survived without injuries! 

 Quite messy and a little frazzled but then we headed to the play ground and had a grand old time! 

On our way!!

They have a great play place at the stadium!

I didn't get a picture of it but there was an inflatable train thing with animals that you could run through ( sadly we didn't have any cash on us) Mahon was determined to go through it. 

My big boy Wyatt up on the play set.

It took a lot of convincing to get Wyatt off of there he didn't want to go down the slide we soon found out it was because he had a poopy diaper. 

Row 2 Seats 1 2 3 4! Couldn't have asked for better! 



( previously had this as Our first cotton candy, but I was reminded that they had it last year at 4th of july also) 

Wyatt loved it, I should have taken video of him running in circles when we got home. 

Wyatt chowing down on cotton candy (Joshua's co worker in the plaid) 

He really enjoyed himself! :) 

Mahon made friends with the people in front of us. 
They were having a conversation about how messy Mahon's hands were and how she has a kitty on her shirt. 

& he totally invaded their space but they didnt mind.

We had great seats

Mahon got ahold of the camera

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sun Crayons

I wish I took pictures of the whole process but we were too busy having fun to think about pictures!
I think their favorite part was getting to make a mess three times! :) 

I'm not sure why but the crayon melted through the papers a bit.