Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 1: 40 Bags in 40 Days

I am joining in with Ann Marie at with her 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge. We honestly don't have nearly as much stuff as we had this time last year. We have gotten rid of a lot of things and we have already packed quite a lot so the last third of this challenge will be at our new house so I will be unpacking and sorting.

Here is my photo for today.

I still have things lying around here that will inevitably get throw into a box on the last day of packing so I am trying to avoid anything being packed that we don't need or want. Also I want to note that I wouldn't throw out a spray bottle but there is some mystery thing inside it... 

Just because he is cute...

 Here is what I am going to be cleaning out tomorrow. 
Including my MIA makeup bag. 

{Countdown until moving: 4 weeks 1 day}

Monday, January 27, 2014

Oh Hello.

So lets be honest...I haven't been on here in quite awhile. So I thought it was about time that I updated the ol' blogger and get back to my random rants.

During the month of January we had planned to do our 30 days of Green Smoothies and start our 100 Days of Real Food challenge...I'm not going to lie...we haven't followed the rules 100%. Things have gotten a lot harder this time around. I have an extra toddler during the week to feed, we have an extra adult living here (which is actually really fun, more about that later) and our boys have been eating a LOT! For example last night for dinner we had a bag of organic whole wheat pasta, a can of organic tomato sauce and oregano and some garlic thrown in. It fed us but the boys and Joshua were still hungry so they had bananas with almond butter. We ate a whole jar of almond butter in less than two days. Which is really okay but I haven't gotten quite used to using food so fast with my planing. 

So with the big eaters around here I have decided to just let it be. I try to not buy things that are against the rules but things like almond milk slip in...Mahon and I can't have regular milk. Making almond milk is alright but a bag of raw(ish) almonds (click here for the truth about raw almonds) is expensive! We normally buy the best quality that we can afford but we rarely buy food online since I buy most of our food weekly. I have made cashew milk also and I do like it but it doesn't last very long and Mahon doesn't like it. I have been careful to not get the one with carrageenan in it. However I did come home with some Trader Joes taziki dip that had it on the lable TWICE! UGH! We will eat it and not get it again. It does bother Mahon's tummy to consume carrageenan.

Green smoothies are awesome. I really love them. I keep forgetting to make them! The first week or so was great but then I let it slip away. 

I was also planing to contribute to this clean eating group on facebook but I didn't really follow through there either. I didn't want to make this year a year of not doing that I said I was going to do! But life happens and we have three very little boys that trump every other priority.

Also in other news... WE ARE MOVING!!! We found a house to rent less then ten minutes away from our current duplex. We don't move in until the end of March but I am very excited about it. I will post more details about it in the coming weeks...or lets be honest...the next time I remember that I have a blog.