Thursday, June 20, 2013

{10 Fun Facts About My Boys}

So here I am at 4:38am on a Thursday morning... If you know us very well you know that means today is my Saturday...Just like vacations and sleeping in, Saturdays mean nothing to moms of toddlers...but it is a nice thought! I still feel like I should be sleeping right now. The grizzly is wide awake and wouldn't stop talking about monsters and the moon so we decided to let daddy get some rest while we watch some shows.
I thought he would lay down and fall back to sleep while watching a show...

He won't stop moving.

I may just be up for the day.
So here are some fun facts about my boys...

1) W&M are obsessed with the moon right now. They talk about how it is "asleep" during the day and it wakes up at night. They want to see it before bedtime every night.
2) W&M turn 3 in two weeks from yesterday.
3) They do NOT like it when I sing. Little wolf does though for the most part.
4) W is fully potty trained, no accidents, he has never wet his bed. ::knock on wood:: M is not interested in it at all.
5) I may have twins that are almost three but they have nothing on little wolf in the crazy department... He is WILD! I am always finding him in the table dumping out cups or ruining cell phones.
6) W&M know all of their letters, they kind of know the song and I have never heard them say the whole alphabet in order correctly but if you ask them what a letter is they will tell you.
7) F loves to dance, he is a dance machine. If you turn on music around him he will dance. Unless I ask him front of boys never want to do their tricks on demand. :)
8) W&M have learned the words "tasty" and "delicious" and they sometimes tell me at dinner that their food is "de-lish-us". I love it.
9) I am very proud of my boys manners skills. Especially when they use them with each other without being told. It is adorable.
10) I am trying to embrace their love of "going bye bye" it is hard to get three boys ready and out the door and it can be intimidating taking them places by myself. I have a long list of "what ifs" in my head. I can usually find an excuse that keeps us home like not having enough gas or money or someone to go with but the truth is we all need out if the house...everyday. I want to be an adventurous mom! Not one who keeps her boys inside until they lose their love of adventure. I won't let that happen!

Oohhh! I just saw a yawn! We might get back to bed after all.