Tuesday, December 18, 2012

{A little of my heart this week}

I cannot believe we are heading into a new year already! I'm excited for what it will bring and a little nervous. When you have babies you just envision them growing up laughing and playing having a grand ol time going on vacation and learning how to ride a bike.


Our world is a scary place, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Oh how true that feels now in the days after such a horrific event.

I don't want to miss out on the good memories being worried about what tomorrow will bring, and I don't want to be so carefree about the future that I am not present in this moment. 

I think that sums up what I feel I need to take into the next year, being awake, not distracted by things that do not matter (facebook, hygene (hehe) ;) , ect).

My dear sister in law said during yoga class, nothing is a challenge everything in manageable. (She says a lot of very inspiring things.) That is my new mama mantra "This is manageable" ... deep breath...
